
Costumes of Nudity

Faux Nudes in Fin de Siècle Photography


SUSIE ORBACH, Discussant


Monday, April 3, 2023, 7:30 pm

Heyman Center for the Humanities

Room B-201, Columbia University

For virtual participation, preregister here.



Liminal Spaces: Between No Longer and Not Yet

With Susie Orbach

Mofe info here


Weight Watchers wins when our diets fail – it won’t change society’s broken thinking around food

Susie Orbach

Guardian – March 16th 2023


We are all vulnerable: that’s where a new conversation about masculinity begins

Susie Orbach

Guardian 10th February 2023

The likes of Andrew Tate want to return to an imagined idyll in gender relations. It would be a disaster for everyone.

Can we think a bit more deeply about masculinity? Toxic masculinity has a certain usefulness and punch as a phrase. It expresses what some men put out into the world but it doesn’t address the whys deeply enough.

Continue reading here


Cate Blanchett’s Tár is an abusive boss, but her story has much to tell us about feminism too

Susie Orbach

Beyond the superficial row, there is a debate to be had about progress, pitfalls, and a character who seems emblematic of her generation

Full article in the Guardian at


Chrissie Pollard Interviews Professor Brett Kahr

The esteemed B.B.C. broadcaster has recently interviewed Brett Kahr about his book on Freud’s Pandemics:  Surviving Global War, Spanish Flu, and the Nazis, as well as such topics as the nature of self-destructive behaviour and other-destructive behaviour during the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are the links to the podcast, available both on Chrissie Pollard’s website and, also, on YouTube.

TV Portfolio

Professor Brett Kahr at the Chalke Valley History Festival

In June, 2022, Professor Brett Kahr spoke at the Chalke Valley History Festival in Broadchalke, near Salisbury, in Wiltshire, about “Are We All Mad?:  The History of the Human Mind, its Brilliance, and its Frailties”.  He had the privilege to participate in an “in conversation” with the distinguished novelist, Sebastian Faulks, author of a gripping novel on nineteenth-century psychiatry called Human Traces.

After the conversation about the past, present, and future of “madness” with Mr. Faulks, Kahr enjoyed meeting many of the guests at a Waterstone’s book-signing.


Professor Brett Kahr


“New Books in Psychoanalysis”

To mark the publication of Professor Brett Kahr’s newest book, Freud’s Pandemics:  Surviving Global War, Spanish Flu, and the Nazis, the Swiss psychiatrist Dr. med. Sebastian Thrul has conducted a full interview with Kahr, which offers insights into how Sigmund Freud handled the multiple pandemics of his own lifetime and how he would have advised our governments and our health care specialists had he been alive today during the twenty-first century.

This podcast is Kahr’s third appearance on “New Books in Psychoanalysis”.  The New Books Network had previously interviewed him about two of his other publications, namely, How to Flourish as a Psychotherapist and, also, Bombs in the Consulting Room:  Surviving Psychological Shrapnel.

The New Books Network has recognised that Kahr’s latest title will be of interest not only to members of the psychoanalysis community but, also, to those from other disciplines; consequently, the podcast has been posted not only on “New Books in Psychoanalysis” but, also, on “New Books in Biography”, “New Books in German Studies”, “New Books in History”, “New Books in Intellectual History”, and “New Books in Jewish Studies”.

Kahr’s book is the inaugural title in the new “Freud Museum London Series”, published by Karnac Books of London (an imprint of Confer Limited), in association with Freud Museum London.

To listen to the podcast, please click on either of the following links:

PsychoSocial Wednesdays

Essex University – 16th March

with Susie Orbach

A free Zoom event from 8.00pm until 9.00pm

Zoom link:


Wimbledon Guild interview with Brett Kahr

We talk to Professor Kahr about his new book and his keynote presentation at Wimbledon Guild Counselling Training’s 2022 Conference: Reflections on the Pandemic, Covid-19 and Trauma

Professor Brett Kahr has worked in the mental health profession for more than 40 years. He is Senior Fellow at the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology in London and Visiting Professor of Psychoanalysis and Mental Health at Regent’s University London.

After serving for many years as Trustee of Freud Museum London and of Freud Museum Publications, he has now become the museum’s Honorary Director of Research.

We caught up with Professor Kahr to talk about his new book Freud’s Pandemics: Surviving Global War, Spanish Flu, and the Nazis (Karnac Books, 2021), inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic and to discuss his keynote presentation at our online 2022 Conference: Reflections on the Pandemic, Covid-19 and Trauma, Saturday 12th March 2022. 

We are delighted that you will be presenting your new paper, “Unmuzzling Experts While Curing ‘Covidiots’:  How Psychotherapists Can Prevent the Next Pandemic”, at our online conference next year. Could you tell us something more about the concept of “unmuzzling health professionals”?

Throughout this heart-wrenching coronavirus pandemic, we have received an overwhelming amount of data from politicians and public health officials about how to manage this dreadful global health crisis. However, in spite of the fact that broadcasters have reported a great deal about the decline in mental health, and in spite of the fact that members of the psychotherapeutic profession have never worked so hard, our insights about the unconscious roots of self-destructiveness and other-destructiveness have not become at all central to the narrative surrounding Covid-19. We know that many people contracted the virus quite unexpectedly, but many others have continued to spread this awful infection as clinical acts of aggression. 

I believe that the psychotherapeutic and counselling professions have a great deal of insight to contribute towards a better understanding of the hidden unconscious and behavioural factors underlying what we might conceptualise as “unconscious viral transmission”.

During the pandemic, you have been delivering online lectures for Wimbledon Guild, Confer, The Freud Museum London, and the Viktor Wynd Museum, to name just a few organisations. What has it been like for you delivering your work online over Zoom?

I presented my very first public lecture back in 1979, in front of a live audience, so I must confess that switching to Zoom in 2020, more than 40 years later, proved rather a challenge at first, never having used a laptop before! 

Fortunately, the wonderful technologically savvy team at Freud Museum London offered me a veritable masterclass in Zoom and I presented a fund-raising talk to help the museum, entitled “How Freud Would Have Handled the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Beacon of Survival”, which became the basis of my most recent book. 

Naively, I presumed that the attendees would consist predominantly of the London “regulars”, but, to my great surprise and delight, we attracted colleagues from India, Iran, Pakistan and all over the world. And no one had to hop on an aeroplane! I have now become quite used to this new form of communication and it has permitted us all to meet some very intelligent individuals overseas with whom we would have had little or no contact in pre-pandemic times.

Please tell us about your new book, Freud’s Pandemics:  Surviving Global War, Spanish Flu, and the Nazis, which has just been published.

Over the last year, we have heard a great deal about everyone’s “lockdown projects”. Some people have finally learned how to speak Italian fluently or have dusted off their old violin. I devoted much of my time to the writing of a new book on Freud’s Pandemics: Surviving Global War, Spanish Flu, and the Nazis, to help inaugurate the new “Freud Museum London Series” in association with the re-launched Karnac Books. 

It will not be widely known that during his long lifetime Sigmund Freud endured not one pandemic but, rather six, of many varieties, including the so-called “Spanish Flu”, which claimed the life of his beloved daughter Sophie Freud Halberstadt in 1920. 

Freud also had to endure decades of anti-Semitic abuse and professional shaming, as well as 16 years of cancer treatment, not to mention the invasion by the Nazis. Any other person who experienced such trauma might have passed by their own hand, but Freud always maintained great emotional sturdiness. 

In this book, based on oral historical and archival research, as well as on a close reading of Freud’s untranslated letters, I have crafted a narrative of his six pandemics. I have also explored how he might have dealt with Covid-19 and, also, what lessons we may continue to learn from this iconic genius.

What are you most looking forward to about Wimbledon Guild Counselling Training’s 2022 online conference?

I believe that the 2022 conference will be my sixth lecture for Wimbledon Guild over the last 20 years. I have always had a wonderful time speaking to colleagues at this esteemed organisation. No two institutions attract the same type of audience, but those at Wimbledon Guild always respond with tremendous compassion and wisdom, and I hope that we can all learn a great deal from one another. The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated much of world thought due to massive traumatisation; therefore, no one can claim true expertise about the psychological impact of this awful illness or about the best ways in which to promote psychological prevention, but I do hope and trust that we can all pool our well-analysed minds at this conference and begin to craft a plan about how psychotherapists and counsellors can share our skills and insights even more fully in years to come.

Wimbledon Guild Counselling Training’s 2022 online conference: Reflections on the Pandemic, Covid-19 and Trauma is on Saturday 12th March 2022. View the programme and book tickets.