Telephone and video sessions (e.g. Zoom or Skype) are available
Couple psychotherapy provides a space in which partners can begin to understand why their relationship has become so troubled or challenging, and helps the members of the couple to understand their contributions to the relationship, allowing each to articulate what cannot easily be expressed without the facilitation of a trained therapist.
At The Balint Consultancy our senior practitioners have particular expertise in working with troubled relationships, many having undertaken extensive postgraduate training in couple psychotherapy at Tavistock Relationships, the world’s leading training organisation in psychoanalytic couple therapy.
Couple psychotherapy focuses on the relationships that partners create together, the patterns of dealing with stress that may not be working for them, and the reasons underlying those patterns. The experience of exploring and communicating about these concerns in a safe environment can make a huge difference, especially when this is done with the support of experienced and sensitive psychotherapists who can help unblock the impasses that cause distress.
Whether you are finding it difficult to communicate with each other, are isolated or overwhelmed by feelings that have been stirred up between you, have lost a sense of intimacy or desire, or any of the myriad of experiences that unsettle couple relationships, The Balint Consultancy can provide an in-depth approach for those who are interested in exploring why their relationship has run into difficulties. Through this approach we aim to offer an understanding of what is upsetting partners in their relationship and to help them make the changes needed to have a more satisfying life together.
Couple therapy can be open-ended or short-term, and can be of help to couples of any age or sexual orientation. It can be tailored to address specific areas of difficulty or particular challenges in otherwise good and well-functioning relationships, or it can provide an in-depth assessment and treatment plan for those in more distress.
All couples go through testing times in their relationship. Fortunately, if properly helped, many partners can come through strengthened by the experience.