During the last two months, Professor Brett Kahr has published two new books, Bombs in the Consulting Room: Surviving Psychological Shrapnel (Routledge, 2020) and, also, Celebrity Mad: Why Otherwise Intelligent People Worship Fame (Routledge, 2020), with a third one, On Practising Therapy at 1.45 A.M.: Adventures of a Clinician (Routledge, 2020), scheduled for publication on 6th December, 2019.
Additionally, five of his previously published books have been re-released in new hardback editions: Forensic Psychotherapy and Psychopathology: Winnicottian Perspectives; The Legacy of Winnicott: Essays on Infant and Child Mental Health; Tea with Winnicott; Coffee with Freud; and New Horizons in Forensic Psychotherapy: Exploring the Work of Estela V. Welldon.
Kahr has also published a number of papers, including:
Kahr Brett (2019). ‘Slashing the Teddy Bear’s Tummy with a Carving Knife’: The Infanticidal Roots of Schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 35, 399-416.
Kahr, Brett (2019). Promiscuous Virgins and Celibate Whores: Traumatic Origins of the Erotic Tumour. Journal of Psychological Therapies, 4, 105-119.
Kahr, Brett (2019). The First Mrs Winnicott and the Second Mrs Winnicott: Does Psychoanalysis Facilitate Healthy Marital Choice? Couple and Family Psychoanalysis, 9, 105-131.
Kahr, Brett (2019). On Winnicott’s Marriages: A Response. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis, 9, 151-153.
Kahr, Brett (2019). A Neglected Work of Genius: John Bowlby on “Hysteria in Children. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 13, 144-151.
Kahr, Brett (2019). John Bowlby and the Birth of Child Mental Health. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 13, 164-180.
Kahr, Brett (2019). Penile Trauma and Genital Exhibitionism: From Castration Anxiety to Verbal Potency. International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy, 1.
(Currently in press, due for publication in December, 2019).
Shorter pieces include a “Book Clinic”, which appeared in The New Review magazine of The Observer newspaper, as well as a brief essay on Sigmund Freud’s death bed, published in Athene, the magazine of the Freud Museum London, and archived on the museum’s website:
Kahr, Brett (2019). Book Clinic: A Weekly Series Answering Readers’ Questions. The New Review. The Observer. 20th October, p. 51. [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/oct/19/book-clinic-which-books-for-ethnically-diverse-family].
Kahr, Brett (2019). Freud’s Death Bed: Notes on the ‘Invalid Couch’ at Maresfield Gardens. Athene: Magazine 2019, pp. 6-9. [https://www.freud.org.uk/2019/09/10/freuds-death-bed/].
In addition to these publications, Kahr has presented a number of talks, which include lectures on the history of psychiatry, on schizophrenia, and on hysterical and obsessive-compulsive neuroses for the newly-inaugurated “Diploma in Psychopathology: Theory and Practice”, sponsored by the continuing professional development organisation Confer, for which Kahr serves as Senior Course Director. Additionally, he has delivered keynote addresses to the Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy in Bristol and to the West Midlands Institute for Psychotherapy in Birmingham on the psychotogenic impact of unconscious parental death wishes. He also spoke at J.W.3 in North London with colleague Dr. Valerie Sinason as part of a special event on “How Freud Fled the Nazis”. Most recently, he has delivered the first two lectures of a new course on “Understanding Psychotherapy: A Social History of the Mind”, at Imperial College in the University of London, co-sponsored by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and chaired by its Chief Executive, Professor Sarah Niblock. Additionally, he facilitated a day-long workshop with live webcast for Confer, at Foyle’s bookshop in Central London, on “The Pleasures and Perils of a Psychotherapeutic Career: How to Flourish in the Impossible Profession”.
Other activities have included a radio interview for Men’s Radio Station on the psychological implications of climate change as well as an interview for Radio Perth in Australia about the psychology of celebrity. Kahr has also become Consultant Editor to the newly founded periodical The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy, the official publication of the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy, supervised by the Editors-in-Chief, Jessica Collier and Dr. Carine Minne – two distinguished forensic mental health practitioners.